Khayalan Di Saat Senja Datang

6:58 PM

Senja datang memanggil disaat aku tengah tergulai
Lemas, terkulai, dan terbaring di atas lantai yang licin
Aku tak berdaya untuk terbangun dari tidurku
Mungkinkah ini hanya halusinasiku saja?

Apa yang tergambar di benakku bukanlah bualan sesaat
Aku membayangkan dirimu ada di sini di sampingku
Menemani kesendirianku yang sedang dilanda rasa kerinduan
Bersama dengan diriku, menjalani hari-hari yang indah ini
Saling berpegangan tangan seakan tidak ingin melepaskannya

Kubuka kelopak mataku sebelah kanan
Kubuka kelopak mataku sebelah kiri
Kemudian aku tersentak dengan sebuah keadaan
Badanku menjadi patung, lidahku menjadi kaku tak bersuara
Air mataku kembali menghujani pipi kanan dan pipi kiriku

Aku menatap langit yang berwarna kuning keemasan
Aku menatap matahari yang semakin jauh dan semakin jauh
Senja perlahan demi perlahan pergi meninggalkan diriku
Aku melihat kegelapan yang kembali datang untuk menemani diriku

Kemudian batinku pun terhentak dan tersadar
Bahwa apa yang ada dalam benakku hanyalah kenyataan yang semu
Bahwa hanya kegelapan yang bisa menemani jiwaku
Bahwa dirimu hanya akan menjadi pangeran dalam mimpiku
Yang tidak akan pernah hadir dalam kehidupan nyata

A little chit-chat about my self

8:58 PM

1. What is your name?

      My full name or my nick name? Well, my full name is Sylvia laura Lestari, S.H.,  M.Kn. I have so many nick names from my friends. When I was in Playgroup, Primary School, and Junior High School, my friends called me with "VIVI". In High School, my friends called me with "SYLKUS" means "SYLVIA KUKUS". In College (Bachelor Degree), my friends called me with "PIPI MARIPI. And In next college (Master Degree), my friends called me with "VIVI".


2. What is your daily activities?
Well, I am a Notary's Assistant in South Jakarta. My daily activity is about notary's deeds, deeds, and deeds. Besides that, I love to blogging if there's no task from my boss. That's why I can write this post right now. 

3. What is your planning for the future?
       My plannings for the future are :
Make my parent to be proud of me;
Travel around the world;
Become a successful person;
Married with the best man from God;
Live happily with my parent, my husband and my children;
Taking care of my children and teach them to become good person and successful person;
Die with peace; no sadness, no enemy, and no hatred.

4. What is life for you?
   Life for me is a gift from God. He gives you a life in order to make you realize that life is full of happiness. Life can be so nasty if you fill your days with crime. Open your eyes and be a good person, then you can see the beauty of this life.

5. Have you ever felt the overwhelming sadness?
   Of course I have. 

6. Do you want to share with us?
   I'm sorry but I don't want to share it. 

7. Was that because of boy? heartbreak?
   No. I have felt a broken heart. But, the most overwhelming sadness was not because of thatAnd it's nothing to do with love. 

8. How could you handle your sadness?
   First, I cried, cried, and cried. After I felt so relieve, then, I pray to God. I have a faith that God is good. He never leaves us. I believe that there is a light after dark, there is sunshine after the rain. The last thing is pick up my bag and my car-key and then I go to anywhere. Any place that can changes my mood.

9. What is your dream job?
       When I was a kid, I always want to be a fashion designer and bussiness woman. So, I can open my own boutique with all my clothes. But, It's just a dream. My drawing's skill is very bad.
10.What is your favorite color?
        PINK of course. I love PINK so much.

11.What is your favorite actrees/actors?
        Indonesia : Agnes Monica, Pevita Pearce, and Audi Marissa.
        Western   : Selena Gomez, Angelina Jolie, and Anne Hathaway.
        Indonesia : Boy William, Joe Taslim, and Junior Liem.
        Western   : Robert Downey Jr, Jason Statham, Brad Pitt, Vin Diesel,  and Channing Tatum.

12.What is your favorite quotes ever?
        It's in my blog's description:
